Chiropractic Consultation Fees


Initial Chiropractic Consultation – £70.00

These appointments are for people who have not seen a chiropractor at Avon Chiropractic Healthcare before. Your chiropractor will take a full detailed history of your complaint.
Following this, a thorough physical examination will be performed before a diagnosis is determined and explained. Unless further investigations are required, and if appropriate you will usually receive hands-on treatment during this visit. Your chiropractor will then offer you advice on how to manage the condition and prescribe specific home exercises if indicated.

Chiropractic Follow-up treatment – £35.00

Chiropractic Free-Screen

A Chiropractic Free-Screen is a consultation, either on the phone or in person, where you can discuss your symptoms with a chiropractor. They they can advise you as to whether they think chiropractic care may benefit you. If chiropractic care is not recommended, our chiropractors can usually give on advice on where to go to get the help you need.

Book An Appointment

To arrange an appointment please BOOK ONLINE or call our clinics:
Warwick – 01926 419404
Stratford – 01789 264000